Thursday, June 4, 2015

Don't Bother...

In Britain, harassing, mobbing and libelling colleagues does not seem to constitute an offence that puts into question the mobber as much as the mobee. 

When a female broker took her employer to work over turning a blind eye when she found out that a male colleague had been bad mouthing her to her clients over a period of years, it was HER who had to defend herself in front of the court of law providing evidence that she was not a “psycho bitch” and “chronic druggie”. 

The BBC reported about the case recently because it was a rare occasion where the victim actually took her case to the court instead of accepting hush money – mostly because to save her career she did not really have another option.

While the BBC report correctly emphasised the importance of this step taken, they concluded that it may nevertheless not be the preferable route to take, since the time and energy spent in addition to the considerable financial burden and emotional trauma and possible social backlash the victim may face may not be worth the trouble.

No mentioning on how to improve the system and forcing the perpetrator to provide evidence for HIS claims and placing the financial burden as well as the social stigma on HIS back.

Needless to say he has since taken a pay out from his former employer and moved on.  She is still dealing with the consequences of the libelling campaign.

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