Thursday, May 28, 2015

Not so Phun

Z. has to decide what her A Levels are going to be.  Here Physics teacher seems to think that she should try to take Physics alongside with Maths – especially because she is a girl – and handed her a leaflet “Physics is Fun” featuring a “fun loving” blonde writing convoluted formulas on a blackboard.


What’s worrying is not only the haha connotation of blonde and “Fun” - which clearly has grown a bit moldy over time – nor the peculiarly odd way in which this seventeen year old adolescent girls is reduced to paddy-cake calibre nincompoop…

What really worries me is that it matters whether girls like Physics or not.   

And unless at my next PT meeting I will be handed a foldout entitled “Social Careers are Hip” brandishing a football jock in warrior pose, I am wondering whether people will ever understand that intelligence actually means to think creatively for yourself and not just to follow others.   

In fact I think that is is preferable to have different interests from men.  The problem is in the disadvantages that go along with that.  

Now there is a problem that awaits solving and me think its not Physics that's gonna do it.

Saturday, May 23, 2015


Has it ever occurred to anyone that the world would be better off with fewer men in it?  Maybe evolution is just a bit slow adapting to the fact, but humanity would benefit from a massive male cull.  I wouldn’t advocate shooting them at dusk (they do that already quite ably themselves), but I would suggest to find ways to turn that crooked Y chromosome into a sturdy X and thereby change the female-male ratio in a given generation.

That would probably be especially helpful in regions around the world that experience a lot of violence.   Just imagine the benefits it would have also for the men who actually are born!!!  More jobs, more girls, less competition (except from the girls...!).

Ah, yes, let the wild rumpus stop!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Jeez Almighty

The recorded ramblings of one psychopath or another, whether you call them prophets or sons of god, it does not really matter, over time they have but given justification to self-righteous acts. 

All religions, including Islam, Judaism, Christianity even though they were created from the same little acorn of inspiration, have nothing but proven their utter uselessness for peaceful human coexistence again and again. 

Like boys throwing rocks at each other over whose daddy is the best, immature and excitable, their followers use whatever they can find in them to justify their blind acts of hatred against each other and to exaggerate its glory.

More level headed thinkers have long since agreed upon more relevant issues to focus on and more appropriate ways of conflict resolution. 

I despise religion and I can’t stand ideology.  But since humanity seems to be lost without either, I have not much to say for humanity either.

Friday, May 8, 2015

In our time

I know that just like Gallileo was not alone when he followed the logic of a truth greater than narrow minded, fear-instilled dogma, we are once again living in a time, where certain truths are well-known but yet unutterable.

We have messed up as a species. 

Worse even, we have messed it up for many species.  Through our illogical urge to reproduce beyond sustainability (and I will qualify this later, don’t worry), our ever more destructive race for dominance over one another (ditto) and our insatiable greed which has depleted our reserves and made deserts out of fertile lands and sud out of air, we are continuously tottering at the brink of one disaster or another.

Even if we have successfully reduced infant mortality, the spread of disease and increased food production, we have not figured out the main challenge:

How to inhibit our impulses and how to address our emotions.

The same impulse that drives us to excellence, also leads us into chaos and destruction. 

In one word, we are not able to direct our actions, we simply ARE.

Our highly developed ability to communicate, our empathy and our ability to plan ahead are at any time subject to impulses triggered by unrecognized emotions that can lead to terrible actions. 

This will never change.

There is little hope for our species unless we are WILLING to recognise that we are victims of our inability to control our actions in the long term. 

In the case of men, this simple truth has had grave consequences for this planet!


Friday, May 1, 2015


Behold nature in all her colours.  Even in her darkest shades, there are gentle hues.