Saturday, June 30, 2012

Midsummer Blues

The days and months seem to have drifted past us like puffs of dandelion seed. We have had the house full of visitors most of the time, with children tumbling out of every crack, spilling into the garden where I valiantly stood, day and night, ready to defend my thirteen carefully groomed English rose bushes from all critters tall and tiny. Various stacks of books have stubbornly grown around the house like crooked stalactites, some of them with little hearts and smileys drawn into the quite discernible cover of dust that has settled on them as if to sullenly reclaim them from their owner, who so clearly is otherwise engaged. It won’t be long now though. Surely between the piles of linnens to be laundered, and dutifully folded, and the creepy little weeds to be hoed, I might find some time. With summer here and the days clinging on into the night, I might pick one up. Some time.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

There and Back

I have been to one of the most fascinating places in the world and back: t he perfectly mind-boggling Turkish Aegean coast. From sunken Assuryan ships carrying bronze ignots to forge the weapons of the next battle, which we were subsequently to learn about, to Greek theatres strewn about the countryside, this is most certainly a treasure chest of human civilisation and the most rewarding find in many years. And one of the best things about it, unlike Greece which made a mess out of its hillsides and coastlines handing them over to land speculators and private investors, this bit of Turkey is completely unspoiled. It is just there and I shall be back soon!!