Friday, December 28, 2012

Merry, uh happy, Christ...Seasons...Greetings!

When you live part of your life abroad or, as in our case, you have done a fair amount of moving around your entire life, culture, norms, and rules become somewhat relative. At the same time, you come to realize that you will probably never become fully part of one culture. Although you may have put in a good effort, remembering all the national holidays, national pass times, types of jokes and favorite foods and even if you have read up on history, watched enough Soaps and explored every corner of the country there is, there will always be something you didn’t know yet. But then, in the meantime the challenge is to make it through the first five minutes of small talk by getting amazingly good at remembering enormous amounts of trivia like what goes into a Chirstmas Pudding, what do Americans watch on Christmas Day? I can’t remember either.

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