Saturday, March 21, 2009

Won't Shut Me Up !

I am quite used to being called a “feminist”. And I am also quite aware that often it is not meant as a compliment. I also know that much worse epithets are being attached to my sweet persona behind my back. I have always carried the load with a certain amount of pride. At least, I am not ass-kissing some ninny!

But here is what I find upsetting about all this. It’s the pure ratio of idiots vs non-idiots, with the former in the clear lead. Calling someone a feminist over issues such as
sexual crimes against women, and meaning it as an insult, is clearly misguided. And yet it is not uncommon.

Last time I checked, the right to life and freedom from torture and degrading treatment was a human right, which (surprise, surprise) extends to all human beings, including women.

Kivo (Congo), Darfur (Sudan), or -- maybe a bit closer to home -- Serbia in the 90s, is a threat to everyone and, in fact, to humanity as a whole. We should all be aware of this and no blind eye should be turned for whatever reason but most definitely not out of mere mental laziness.

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