Saturday, November 8, 2008

Hurray at last!

Okay, maybe now that it has all settled in, it’s time to say it, even for someone like me who wears cynicism like a comfy bathrobe: President-elect Obama is the best thing that has happened to the US of A -- EVER (...granted I would have preferred Michelle, but I am willing to settle for her choice of partner).

Smart, even-keeled, charismatic, educated, irreproachable, dedicated, open-minded, and smashingly good-looking, Obama was the obvious pick, of course. But then most Americans are not like him so....

I am absolutely ecstatic about the turn of events. That being said I am truly grateful for the timely eruption of the world financial crisis which admittedly did help in the election of a black President with such an unlikely name as Barack Hussein Obama.

I would even go as far as saying that I am slowly warming up to the idea of reading a daily newspaper again. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

So for now: hurray!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And guess what Michelle's cause just might be: working women. Who'd have thought in our day!!