Friday, November 28, 2008

bee-eye-tea-see-age !

Okay fine, so I come across as a man-hating single breasted crazy bee-eye-tea-see-age! But I can live with that quite happily. Life can be good.

So why all the raving? Because life is not that good for everyone. Even though I found a niche, got lucky, and now may live on happily ever after, what about all the nasty chapters of human existence -- the ones most of us prefer to skim over?

I can’t help but stew over them, however tempting it is to see the glass as half-full. I have a hard time looking the other way (or turning the other cheek frankly). And so I sometimes don’t make for good dinner conversation, and my posts can get a bit screechy.

Oh, well. Kick ass!

1 comment: said...

I find you delightful company for dinner. Especially when we get to the chocolate mousse!