Thursday, February 21, 2008

An Afternoon's Journey

My friend wrote a piece the other day on her blog that stirred me. It is an afternoon’s journey into the meaning of life -- her life.

For the past three years I have watched that life flow alongside mine in ever changing bends and turns. During that time we sat together often comparing notes on motherhood and its effects on the female biography.

On those warm rainy nights under a canvas of hibiscus shrubs, tucked away from the world with nothing but a bottle of red between us, we hatched daring plans to overcome the schism between our ever pulsing productive and reproductive forces.

We were daring enough then to stare the world right into its ferocious eyes and holler, “Is that all you’ve got?”

It was a fun time. A time of reckoning as much as of madness and sheer exuberance. We did end up producing several shows for a podcast, I started, and she wrote several excellent pieces on her blog,

But of course, life did have more coming for us. And, being the good girls we are, we took it on.

In the past months, we both moved on to new lives. Major changes have marked the currents of our daily routines, and the minute by minute management of motherhood has once again flung a tight bridle over my head.

But in a way, that short awakening of the Spring 2007 has given me hope. After long years of brooding silence I now allow my mind to wander off and, once again, question what I see.

Unlike the years before, I now am optimistic that no matter how irrelevant my existence and how unmemorable the sum of my thoughts and actions may be, I am determined to make the best of it.

It is my life, after all, and I am here to live it.

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