Thursday, August 13, 2015

Teen Mind

The collective mental state of the US populace does not exceed the tender age of fourteen, I swear.  What is that constant fear of state involvement in private matters? 

Whether healthcare, pensions or redistribution, the hysterics are always the same.   Fear sets in when it comes to the spectre of the all powerful parent…uh, state, which threatens to take away decision making powers, curtail painfully obtained freedoms, and generally stifle individuality.


The impression of dealing with an immature collective further solidifies when one considers that state involvement in health care (most recently through the introduction of “Obamacare”), redistribution of wealth through taxation, and pensions as currently suggested by Teresa Ghilarducci does exactly that:  provide freedom (from hardship) by providing basic services to allow individuals to focus on the more meaningful aspects of their lives.

The incensed vitriolic launched at anyone suggesting that opportunities may need to be created in the first place so that a greater number of players can participate in the creation and enjoyment of wealth appears truly irrational and bare of any empathetic notion. 

May I suggest that not only are we dealing with an adolescent collective mentality, but actually with that of a bully – most likely male.

For further readings, I strongly recommend Teresa Ghilarducci’s blog:

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