Monday, July 6, 2015


People habitually reduce others to small, manageable quantities with a certain amount of value attached to them.  

Instead of either trying to understand the many layers of experience, principles and sensitivities which among other facets make up a human being, they reduce them to a simpler format. 

XX is really caring but she tends to get very caught up in little things (meaning: she is nice but kind of annoying and best not to be taken too seriously).

XY is great fun to hang out with, but he tends to be a bit superficial (meaning: although good for a one off he is not somebody to invest much time and energy in).

Just like stereotyping, this kind of reductionist activity helps the one who is “stampsizing” to make decisions on future actions even if they are based on a minimum of information.  

Even if in the short term the plan of action might turn out to be favourable, in the long term, this kind of relationship is bound to fail because it is not built on curiosity but determinism.

The question is what do to do, when people around you have transferred the world into a neat grid pattern with an assigned spot for everyone, including you.  Is it time to revisit what one thinks, feels and communicates or is it maybe time to change the kind of people one hangs out with?

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