Thursday, September 25, 2014

What "Mr President"didn't say....

Every once in a while I check out the White House page to see what El Gran Queso has to say.  For the very eager there even is a Sign up option so that Obama’s speeches will be automatically sent via email, entitled “What the President said today.” 

Apparently it seems, that we are facing serious consequences from something called "climate change."  The President informs us that carbon levels are on the rise, mostly emitted by energy producing industries.  Oh my!  This, he states, is worrying as globally temperatures are rising and weather patterns are becoming more extreme!!  Ten of the hottest years on record have occurred since 1998! Can you imagine??  Even UN secretary Ban Ki Moon was seen marching with a crowd of demonstrators against climate change in New York recently...Well, if THAT doesn’t say something!!  Thank you for letting us know, Mr. President...!

Meanwhile, our committed leader fights like a berserker by supporting studies and rallying support for commitments for the Paris Climate Summit in 2016!!  Aaawwww!!  He also has increased the wind and solar energy, we are told as polished graphics depict green swirling wind turbines and solar panels on little green houses.  

But, of course, it is far more interesting to read between the lines and to list all the items “The President DIDN’t say...”  

Nowhere does he admit that hydraulic fracturing, an industry aggressively pushed by the Obama government (and its lobbyists) continues to contribute growing amounts of carbon emissions.  After all hydrocarbon extraction is its goal  It is, let’s say, OLD SCHOOL i.e. not up-to-date with newly set targets for CO2 reductions.  

Nowhere does he admit that the wasteful method of flaring is contributing at disturbing levels to greenhouse gas emissions, including Methane, the second largest contributor to global warming.  

Nowhere are there any actual figures about US greenhouse gas emission reductions, although he did admit that efforts haven't yet been sufficient...

Every time I drop him a line inquiring about of Fracking and the US government’s commitment to promoting this most damaging extraction of carbohydrates, I receive the same PR blah about The Presidents commitment to alternative energies.

Clearly.  Fostering carbon intensive energy production while pointing fingers at end users (who have been duped by promises of cheaper fuel prices), he does only ONE thing:

Making us all wanting him to SHUT UP !!

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