Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Culpa Nostra !

Strangely, women still tend to believe that if only they were to make the right choices in life, things would be different.  If only they were to study technical subjects they would score higher paying jobs - ignoring the fact that all those women who twenty years before them opted for male dominated degrees and for instance got business degrees still haven’t reached pay levels equal to their male colleagues and are regularly overlooked for promotions.  

Another favorite of mine are those voices who insist that if only women were to be more assertive on the job they would get what they want.  If only they were to help each other more instead of being such awful bitches... 

Just be more like a guy, will you please!!  Just don't be such a man-woman!  

Yes, indeed, it is all their fault.  Why do they have so many children or else why don’t they have enough?  Why don’t they pursue professional careers or else why are they so career- driven to leave their families behind?  Why don’t they monitor their children better?  Hey, but how can they expect to be promoted if they work only half-time?

The funny thing is:  Women only too often buy it...!

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