Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Bucket please!!

There is this guy, Kucklick is his name, who recently had the great idea (or maybe he was just out of ideas) to turn our human experience on its head and make it the topic of his doctorate. In a long winded, tiresome and utterly pointless babble he put forth the thesis that much of what ails our modern civilisation can be explained by a wave of male-bashing that set in sometime during the early nineteenth century. He quotes a number of philosophers who at the time (and for the first time ever in human history) ventured to say that men have a latent tendency towards violent and asocial behaviour. How that could either turn into a doctorate or be published by a reputable publisher in Germany is puzzling indeed. But then, it's not easy to work in publishing these days. Lowering one's standards is one way of staying afloat, I suppose.

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