It’s a curious thing that there is a tendency among people, and the groups they form, to cast a most favourable light on themselves. The cohesive “we are the good ones,” which in U.S. jargon translates into “God Bless America,” is the cradle of a pervasive double standard. It leads to all sorts of ill-guided approaches in dealing with “the other” and can go as far as causing acts of violence on both sides. Terrorism, persecution, sabbotage, boycots, and ultimately war are all outcrops of double standards.
While admittedly simplistic, “God Bless America” has become a powerful slogan that sanctifies virtually anything, America stands for. Under the great mantra of “we are the chosen ones” only few Americans ever question the underlying tenents of the blessed U.S. of A.
As should be obvious to anyone, this fateful arrogance has over the past decade caused a great deal of misery for Americans. Gone crazy consumerism combined with a testosterone driven everything-is-possible attitude has knocked US credit rating down to a most embarrassing AA rating and families bereft of their adored plywood Mac Mansions have taken to camping in inclement conditions.
It’s a good thing Wall Street is under attack these days, but the clean up should go deeper than that. Surely, it’s uncomfortable and will be the cause of much anxiety but it would be a worthy exercise and, who knows, maybe God may bless America again...some day!
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