Thursday, July 14, 2011

God Bless...

So if most people in fact do like fast food, Discount Stores and prefer a gym with a sizable parking lot to a brisk walk through the neighborhood, it comes as no surprise that the “free” market economies of the world look the way they do: paved nearly door to door with a most eclectic patchwork of gas stations, parking lots and stores in the efficient style of giant shoe boxes. Obviously quick and easy does it - at least for most of us.

1 comment:

a.f.c.tank said...

Indeed, "attraktiv" is probably the last word to use to describe this ubiquitous, cheap style.

It absolutely pains me to see well-built (if somewhat decayed) buildings leveled only to be replaced by this homogenous crap.

The bottom line, for the most part, does not motivate good design.

A little dose of Gestalt, anyone?