Saturday, January 22, 2011


When you hear what the film "Precious" is about, you would think it would make you sick. But it’s acutally the Bonus Material with the director, Lee Daniels, and Ms Paula Patton that make you dash for the loo. So this guy gets to direct the film based on the fantastic book "Push" by the author Saphire. The story is absolutely harrowing. Teenage girl grows up being physically, mentally, emotionally, sexually (have I skipped anything?) abused. Two kids fathered (so to speak...) by her father. She is black, obese, and undereducated. Not a winning ticket. The film is shot as if you were in the room with Precious, the girl. But it’s not that jagged pseudo-amateurish camera job. It is acutally just calm. Lots of close ups of faces that speak the unspeakable. Really good. But then only God (“Hello are you out there?”) knows why Lee Daniels and his side kicks have to go and turn the story into a soap opera when they talk about it in the interview. Seriously, get the DVD, watch the film, but DON’T WATCH THE BONUS MATERIAL - or keep a bucket close!!

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