There are certain believes we hold to be true. They form the foundation of our identities and questioning them is tantamount to questioning the very backbone of our societies.
Only few brave minds dare go there. Even though most of it is not completely uncharted territory in this post post-modern era, it nevertheless is rough, unpredictable and inhospitable. Asking too many questions can lead to all kinds of trouble.
I remember being on the way to catch a bus in DC one hot sweltering day in August 1994 while some thoughts were roaming around in my mind when suddenly, just like that, they were gone. But what was special about that time was that I actually noticed those thoughts being erased. And to this day it chills me to remember how I stopped in my tracks, the bus came and went, and I just stared. It was a true epiphany as I realized that I was keeping myself from following the thoughts down to the next level.
I don’t remember what it was that I was thinking about, but I recall that it did produce a certain level of discomfort; and so my subconscious self-protection kicked in and turned it off, only this time luckily not fast enough to go unnoticed.
Amazing! The power of the subconscious. In fact, I am convinced that this powerful mechanism has ensured the survival of our species as we know it today. It is wide-spread and generally benefits those who make ample use of it. After all, ignorance is bliss.
The most unethical and even cruel acts are committed with the perpetrators claiming not to remember or not to be guilty of any wrong doing. And they believe it. It’s one of the truths we like to cling on to. It’s never’s never what’s close to us.
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