Sunday, February 8, 2009

Perfect Match

Here is a thing or two about dogs, which tend to divide the world of pet owners into dog people and those who are not.

In the social world of pets, dogs are the jovial, genius slobs. The ones who never change their sheets and eat soup out of the can. Dogs generally don’t care. All they want is to have a good time, and they will try to make you join in. They can be a bit pushy at times, but that’s just because they are so utterly devoted to you and they will make sure that you are aware of that every second of the day.

See, I am a dog person. I get them. But since there is enough devotion in my life already, I am quite happy with the choice of my pet, Leroy, who cares only about himself - and does that quite devotedly 24/7. What makes our union so perfect is also that he, like all cats, is a complete obsessive compulsive freak. I mean, the guy cleans up his own butt and sweeps up around his litter box!!

I can’t get my biological kids to do that!


a.f.c.tank said...

So, you'll have to observe this "sweeping up" around the litter box and please report to me your findings. One of our two cats has some type of sensory disorder which causes her to "sweep" the litter in the box in every direction BUT on top of her "business". Of course, as she exits the box, she's sure to get litter everywhere, the weirdo! So, how do I get her to be more like Leroy Brown? Feel free to post your recommendations At the Tank Spot as well, as I'm sure there would be plenty of interested parties at that locale. Thanks, chum!

Alison said...

Cats are perfect creatures.