Monday, January 12, 2009

Still gestanden!

Been a bit busy. One more birthday now and then I can come up for air. But first things first: Lea is turning seven and she is getting a cat.

So here I am fighting around with the RSPCA, one of the many many Royal Societies with a noble cause. This one claims it protects animals by terrorizing those who are willing to take them in after they have been mistreated and/or abandoned by their original owners.

By now I have filled out more forms than it took to get a Costa Rican birth certificate, our future pet has met the ENTIRE family which took several visits, and our landlord has stopped answering his phone.

Tomorrow will be critical because the RSPCA house inspector has informed us that she will come by at 11:00am to decide whether our dwellings are appropriate for cat ownership, and I can already tell, she has true Nazi qualities. They opposed animal cruelty as well, you know...


a.f.c.tank said...

That's some gift and some process to give it! You know, we use the Dog Whisperer's techniques on our cats, too. The whole projecting energy thing really works amazingly. Keep Cesar Milan in mind so you guys can start out on the right...paw (had to pounce on that one! Oh, now I can't even help myself!)

Alison said...

Brilliant. If that inspector gets to be too much, send her on holiday to Costa Rica. Can't you just imagine her strolling the campo and sizing up all of the appropriate pet dwellings?
Happy Birthday Lea!