Friday, August 15, 2008

That's not a fair lie !

Groomed by Western marketing and product promotion, which often involves tricks, including air brushed models and crafty photo montage, the Chinese went ahead and creatively promoted their Beijing 2008 Olympic opening ceremony.

So what’s the big brouhaha? They went too far? Is it that? They went darker than black on the lie scale?

Really, let’s be fair...they were pretty good. After all, we all believed them.
But that’s probably it. It’s never fun being at the receiving end.


1 comment:

a.f.c.tank said...

Sure, the opening ceremonies were a sophisticated spectacle, but after all, what...what's that? The Chinese are technologically advanced and feel free to use their expertise to impress the world? Really? I'd never heard anything about that. At least they feel free.