Saturday, May 3, 2008

Right or Rong

I am afraid I have gone too far.

Today I managed within less than half an hour not only to cut in front of people in a traffic circle twice and to leave several pedestrians standing baffled at a number of crosswalks on my way to Sainsbury, I also did IT again.

I drove in the wrong lane!

It always happens (‘always’ implying that it wasn’t the first time!!), when there are no other cars around (whew!).

Finding my place in the wrong lane is much easier when everyone else is driving in their respective wrong lanes. When I am all by myself, I naturally revert back to the right lane.

And yes, you Brits, the right lane is called the ‘right’ lane for a reason!!!

Anyway, today, on my way back from dropping off Julian at his friend’s, I took a leisurely right turn out of a parking lot and didn’t think much of it when a car politely swerved out of my way. We all make mistakes, right?

Well, I have to start making fewer of them.

The last time I did it, Fred was next to me as I turned onto a main road and he demurely inquired whether it was indeed a one-way street. NOT !

Stop being so damn polite you folks...I hate having to kick my own butt!

But it’s about time -- right lane or not.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are here at Bagelman's...and we got here by driving in the "correct" lane!