Friday, December 28, 2007

Winter Witch

We went ice skating on the lake next to my old school. What a blast. In an attack of insanity I had bought everyone skates for Xmas, the whole fam damily including Kristen, Lea’s doll.

Defying melting ice caps and rainy winters, I went ahead and invested in a whimsical idea that laid dormant in me for years: To be back on that lake where some of the happiest moments of my teen years were made and to sweep across the cold surface like a wild winter witch.

I am glad I did. We all had so much fun! The ice cracked and whistled under our feet, Jules squealed with joy, Lea got brave and pushed off with her left foot again and again, Zoƫ raced with me to the island and back, and even Matt managed to gain some speed despite frozen feet and achy chins.

The sun was low in the sky, barely grazing the barren treetops of the woods like an apple stuck on an unsuspecting hedgehog. The air was full of tiny knives, cold and thin. I sucked it all up, air, sun, woods and the cold shiny surface of the lake.

A moment to behold. I am so happy to be back.


Anonymous said...

Looks like you are having fun!!

Miss you,


Alison said...

You make me want to feel the cold again. It can be SO beautiful!