Friday, October 31, 2014

Where have all my friends gone...????

I criss crossed the English countryside yesterday in search of a fat cheeked yellow fellow but I only found SQUASH!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Roaming School

The funnest thing about homeschooling is that we can pop up our tent about anywhere.  So we are off for a bit now to see how much French we really know.  Luckily my aunt has a house in the dunes - and it's gonna be a scorcher weekend.  Just what this slightly tattered soul needs.  So...bisous bisous! 

Sunday, October 12, 2014

This is it

It is what it is
And nothing lasts forever
So why don't you just stop the battle
Why don't you just stop the rant
Since it is what it is
And nothing lasts forever

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Not Yours...not really

Sometimes, I think, it is a really good idea to take a break from the buzzing vibes of family life and to find that single frequency that is ours.  The same is true with friends. 

While it is great to find compare notes, the constant hum of opinions and moods that enter into each encounter can blotch out any thoughts or ideas oneself might have. 

Sometimes it can take only a split second, a look, a tone of voice that sends a message to occupy our mind completely for the rest of the day.  We try to sort and analyse  what just happened and might push any more meaningful thoughts aside.  

But then, maybe we are more afraid of looking for any original ideas in ourselves than constantly picking up outside inputs – however meaningless they may be…

Monday, October 6, 2014

Message of Fall

I follow the rising mist downhill.  But as I am closing in, it lifts.