The Right and Honourable David Cameron
MP Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
10 Downing Street,
London SW1A 2AA.
Tuesday, 27th June 2013
Dear Mr Cameron,
We are deeply concerned about this government’s approval of shale gas exploration in vast areas of the UK, including Sussex.
Hydraulic fracturing, the technology used the process of extracting trapped methane gas from deep subterranean rock, has a well known history of potentially far reaching negative effects on surrounding areas, including toxic ground water contamination, radioactive contamination from radioactive isotopes released from shale rock during the process, as well as causing seismic shocks such as witnessed in Lancashire.
In addition the process would destroy the character and appearance of our communities and spoil Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (ANOB) by pockmarking it with shale gas wells, condensate tanks, waste fluid pits, pipelines, compressor stations and frequent heavy road tanker traffic.
As residents who are raising families in this area, we are concerned about the short sighted approach of your government. Hydraulic fracturing for methane is not only an irresponsible attempt to address our energy needs, but it is also uneconomical as this capital intensive approach draws resources from the development of renewable safe energy.
Fracking for shale gas and coal bed methane is not an intelligent response to Britain's energy needs. It would provide gas for the next fifteen to twenty years, after which Britain would be in exactly the same energy predicament it is in now, except that our landscape would be destroyed, water courses irreparably contaminated and we would have poured countless tons of methane and CO2 into the atmosphere.
By hand of
Residents of Sussex