In a perfect world, everyone would intuitively work towards the common good. The notion of “we” vs. “them” would have become obsolete because everyone would be striving for the benefit of everyone else. Like in an ant colony or a bee hive all activity would be coordinated as if motivated by a single rationale with the difference being that the tasks and abilities of each member would be highly specialized. The individual, with her or his particular skills and abilities would put their efforts toward the attainment of a given objective, say sustainability, while keeping in mind the wider context, the needs of members of the community. At no time, would there be theoretical nit picking just for the sake of it. Ethical considerations would be resolved easily since the objective would never be personal profit but always the greatest good. A determination similar to a collective mind force would provide the momentum for creativity and community would come to stand for each individual’s aptitude to share her or his potentials to move humanity closer to the ideal state of oneness.
The question is, which one.