Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Biggest Stunt of Them All

Ruth Benedikt, a famous anthropologist once said, when asked why she got her PhD so late in her life, “I don’t have the strength of character not to have a career.”

After years of forging my character and coming to terms with the fact that this is as good as it gets, her words still ring in my ears.

She is right. It takes a hell of a lot of emotional strength and stamina to remain on the side-lines, cheering on, smiling at this farce and continuing day after day doing the most suicidal job in the world: Stay-at-home mom, no income, no benefits, no social security, and often no life to call her own.

According to the measuring sticks of this world, I am a true hero: Fighting for a better world because I believe in it even though the stakes are high and the outcome unsure.

But that title has been already awarded to someone else, medal and all. I, and the other Stunt Mommies, will remain in the shadows of our own courage.

It is a good place to be. Knowing that, is all that counts, even if at some point, it will land us all in the poor house, a grubby family album clutched between shaky hands.

I can crochet my own medal, thank you.

1 comment:

Alison said...

So it is strength of character that we have. Hmm. That is a nice way to look at it. We're all cheering together, no?