Sunday, July 29, 2012

Anger Management

When faced with cruelty, I don’t weep, I get angry. I rage and I stomp. I lash out and I roar. But in the end, sadness and anger are both siblings of the same underlying emotion. That emotion is fear. Generally speaking, we are afraid whenever we feel that we are not in control of our lives. We react by airing an array of secondary emotions including anger, sadness, disgust, and hatred. Whenever I review my WOMAZZLE posts I can see sparks of fiery fury fly and this is the reason why: As a woman I often feel completely out of control because I know that if I am thought to haved stepped out of the lines of “acceptable bahaviour” there might be some testosterone drunk monkey who can, and may, pounce on me. Just as I am writing this, thousands of women around the world are being raped, beaten, and killed. I know this to be true - and so do you. Try to manage THAT anger...

Thursday, July 26, 2012

What's that thing in my eye....?

I do like Michael Moore for not mincing his words. There is a fearless passion in him that is inspiring. He cuts through many layers of taboo and points fingers in directions that are usually safeguarded from attacks.
But, alas, even our great hero of thundering words becomes meek and tongue-tied when he has to address half of humanity. In his reaction to the Aurora shooting, he turns against gun-ownership and the American psyche but he forgot, that ALL mass murders and most murders are committed by MEN. Yes, indeed, it is hard to be caught with a bunch of losers!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Brilliant PR

To the old question of whether money can buy happiness, some handsomely wealthy Scotsman was heard to have answered: "Sure, if you give it away!" Ah, yes, keep it coming...I'll make you smile!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Fearless Friends

Whenever I proffer my sophisticated insights into gender relations, the conversation shifts discreetly. However, I am not easily deterred and I am known to be quite adamant when matters of fairness are concerned. Needless to say, I count some of the hardiest and most amazing women and a couple of more enlightened men among my friends. Those who are not scared to look at the dark side of life.

Monday, July 9, 2012

What a Marvellous Life!

“Once again I woke up to my beloved husband’s deceptively cheerful ring tones. It was four o’ clock on a rainy English monday morning, a new day in the rhythym of all important global markets, around-the-clock bargaining, and sheer endless mobility and opportunity. While the bread-winner of the family perkily popped out of bed and slipped into his bathrobe, I embarked on a real adventure: with endorphine levels at their lowest, I decided to contemplate life!! Maybe I’ll put it in a book one day!”

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Men have come up with formidable tools to disengage from family life. Ever new generations of electronic gadgets now rival with weekend sport broadcasts. The fully stocked DIY shelves have been superseded by online gaming. If it is not one it will be another mind numbing activity, while children crowd around the kitchen until they, as well, are conveniently hooked to one screen or another. TV has shown us, it works. Now there are quiet children everywhere, bent over tiny monitors on trains, busses and in restaurants, they shoot and tap away in a parrallel universe at bus stops, during break time and at grandma’s. Life is good.