Friday, November 28, 2008

bee-eye-tea-see-age !

Okay fine, so I come across as a man-hating single breasted crazy bee-eye-tea-see-age! But I can live with that quite happily. Life can be good.

So why all the raving? Because life is not that good for everyone. Even though I found a niche, got lucky, and now may live on happily ever after, what about all the nasty chapters of human existence -- the ones most of us prefer to skim over?

I can’t help but stew over them, however tempting it is to see the glass as half-full. I have a hard time looking the other way (or turning the other cheek frankly). And so I sometimes don’t make for good dinner conversation, and my posts can get a bit screechy.

Oh, well. Kick ass!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Here is another one:

Over the past two years, I have somewhat followed parallel discussions on primary education in the US, Germany, and the UK. The general mantra is that schools supposedly are ‘failing our boys.’

The argument goes like this: Boys are disadvantaged in today’s educational systems because most teachers are female.


When did anyone ever say that about girls in the past when the staff was mostly male? As far as I know, girls’ lower math scores were blamed on everything under the sun except male teachers. So why change the conclusions now?

Ah, but then, sshhh.

Friday, November 21, 2008

You Gotta Be Stronger

Have you ever wondered why fishing or car racing are considered sports, or why you can win prize money playing computer games?

Did it come to your attention that professions such as secretary or teacher, have suffered a bit of a status slide ever since they became predominantly female?

And while it doesn’t necessarily have to irk you that taking care of others earns less than municipal garbage collection, it should make you wonder why it is that women in most countries continue to be paid considerably less on average than men doing the same job and are prohibited from swinging a club at Augusta National.

The reason for all of this, however, is as simple as it is base: Men are mostly interested in bolstering their position. So, whatever it is they like to do, it is usually considered ‘cool’ even if it is inherently dull (i.e., fishing) or loud, smelly and annoying such as car racing.

The fact is, whatever it is that men do (really whatever!), it holds prestige and/or some -- often considerable -- monetary reward.

But, one may counter, there is nothing wrong with promoting your own interests unless they encroach on others.

Ah yes, but that last bit can easily be neglected. After all, it is tempting to assume that everyone has the same interests anyway, or that someone who doesn’t share the same interests is wrong and, therefore, needs no consideration. Who in their right mind could possibly NOT be interested in the NBA playoffs, right?

Unfortunately, this kind of thinking is quite common and can generally be attributed to a low social IQ.

Just in case you are wondering, social intelligence denotes the ability to empathize with others and, unlike analytical, verbal, or spatial intelligence, it is generally overlooked in the IQ arena. It obviously doesn’t rank very high in a world riddled with wars, genocide, and inequality.

By the way, did you know that autism, a form of mental disability due to low social intelligence, is much more common among men? Hmm. In fact, it is often paired with an acute interest in the inanimate world. Aah. But, as ‘Rain Man’ enlightened us, even that is kinda ‘cool,’ isn’t? After all, why write Christmas cards if you can calculate probabilities instead.

Of course, I am not saying that men don’t write and women do nothing but knit for the elderly. But it does bother me that even women, who try to warm up to traditionally male domains such as accounting, prize fighting, and the armed forces, don’t really receive the same benefits as men.

Beginning with fewer endorsements (unless she has a nice back-side to flaunt), being belittled, to being, side-tracked, attacked or outlawed, the road to social acknowledgment for women is rocky.

Women have obtained the right to vote, they can run for public office and become astronauts; they don’t need to put up with domestic violence, they can open bank accounts and even say the most outrageous things in least in any of the countries that I would ever consider living in...but let’s face it, they don’t hold the same status as men and probably never will.

Men are quite clever, you know...

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Thud !

We all remember such evocative army battle names as Operation Desert Shield, which was followed by Operation Desert Storm, and, more recently, Operation Desert Strike and Desert Fox.

There were flashy ones such as Operation Steel Tiger and Flaming Dart during the Vietnam war. And more somber ones from the recent Israeli attacks on Lebanon, such as Operation Just Reward and Truthful Promise.

Two of my all-time favorites are Operation Tomahawk and Noble Eagle. The irony is just exquisite.

Without even trying too hard one can picture little boys squatting on the edge of the sandbox, grubby feet immersed in builder’s sand, teeth clenched under the thudding sounds of approaching allied armed helicopters. Kaboom!

Doesn’t it get old? But then there are still medals to be earned and positions to be attained. Oh, brave world.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Part of me tends to stay on the outside. I look at people and I look at myself and more often than not, I am surprised at what I see.

If one manages to stick to simple observation the greatest insights will come from one’s own reactions.

It is amazing what we are capable of feeling and thinking in just a fraction of a second. But yet it usually goes unnoticed. There are fleeting feelings of intense pleasure as much as sudden pangs of frustration.

As an adult we have generally been either trained or have otherwise learned to adapt to the middle way. The state where feelings are supposed to be docile like a purring cat on a downy pillow.

And yet, all those feelings, and thoughts are there. And they are usually anything but cute and fluffy.

All of them are real. Not acknowledging them can be a lost opportunity and a big waste of time in the long run.

With feelings it is a little bit like with children: Not acknowledging them just makes matters worse.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Hurray at last!

Okay, maybe now that it has all settled in, it’s time to say it, even for someone like me who wears cynicism like a comfy bathrobe: President-elect Obama is the best thing that has happened to the US of A -- EVER (...granted I would have preferred Michelle, but I am willing to settle for her choice of partner).

Smart, even-keeled, charismatic, educated, irreproachable, dedicated, open-minded, and smashingly good-looking, Obama was the obvious pick, of course. But then most Americans are not like him so....

I am absolutely ecstatic about the turn of events. That being said I am truly grateful for the timely eruption of the world financial crisis which admittedly did help in the election of a black President with such an unlikely name as Barack Hussein Obama.

I would even go as far as saying that I am slowly warming up to the idea of reading a daily newspaper again. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

So for now: hurray!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Let Barack have a go, Georgie...

"Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried..."
Winston Churchill