Wednesday, March 5, 2008


I should probably not be sitting here typing right now. It’s the middle of the afternoon. Julian and the girls are jammed into a small crowded room pretending they are monkeys in the dark. And if I interpret the noises correctly they are about finished sharing bananas. The thuds and bumps are getting harsher and there are distinctly fewer giggles now than just five minutes ago.

Ah, yes. Life.

I keep sneaking away from it from time to time. I hide in some remote corner of the house, a small space tucked away on the second floor, hoping it won’t stumble upon me. I dig my fingers into the key board as if that would keep me safe.

My words will forever be last words, like the confessions of a death row inmate. And just like that last blabber, my words will remain suspended in a vacuum after I will have been called away.

But right now, I am still sitting here typing away pretending there is no limit to time nor travel. While this moment lasts, I am free.

In fact, this moment is what makes me appreciate that freedom. It reminds me how precious it is. And as with most things in life that we appreciate, we tend to treasure them, because they are scarce.

And, whoops, to you later...gotta go.

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