Friday, May 8, 2015

In our time

I know that just like Gallileo was not alone when he followed the logic of a truth greater than narrow minded, fear-instilled dogma, we are once again living in a time, where certain truths are well-known but yet unutterable.

We have messed up as a species. 

Worse even, we have messed it up for many species.  Through our illogical urge to reproduce beyond sustainability (and I will qualify this later, don’t worry), our ever more destructive race for dominance over one another (ditto) and our insatiable greed which has depleted our reserves and made deserts out of fertile lands and sud out of air, we are continuously tottering at the brink of one disaster or another.

Even if we have successfully reduced infant mortality, the spread of disease and increased food production, we have not figured out the main challenge:

How to inhibit our impulses and how to address our emotions.

The same impulse that drives us to excellence, also leads us into chaos and destruction. 

In one word, we are not able to direct our actions, we simply ARE.

Our highly developed ability to communicate, our empathy and our ability to plan ahead are at any time subject to impulses triggered by unrecognized emotions that can lead to terrible actions. 

This will never change.

There is little hope for our species unless we are WILLING to recognise that we are victims of our inability to control our actions in the long term. 

In the case of men, this simple truth has had grave consequences for this planet!


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