Wednesday, September 26, 2012


One thing which you will have to get good at fast, when you become a parent, is stretching! But while the physical side of stretching can be really helpful in order to strap on infant carriers onto your front or back and fastening those ever evasive car seat buckles, the most useful ingredient to peaceful parenting is mental stretching. Because you may suddenly find yourself doing things that weren't part of your "100 Things to do before you Die" like wearing nipple cups and monitoring bowel movements. Not to mention all the waiting. Waiting for the babe to wake, waiting for the milk to warm, waiting for the babe to sleep, waiting for the help to come, waiting for the rain to stop, waiting for the kid to grow waiting for your life to start. And all the time, you will tell yourself that all of this is really good, because you know eventually it will all be over and what then? For that there is Yoga.

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