Thursday, June 4, 2009

Shove this where the sun don't shine!

I might have mentioned before that getting into a reputable secondary school in the UK is not easily done. It takes a lot of time and energy (not to mention money) and the road is arduous and annoyingly narrow. Endless hours of tutoring and booklets upon booklets of mock tests and online coaching are offset only by a handful of canceled vacation. Not a good deal, I say.

But then, Brits seemingly like to test, quiz and outwit each other. It’s a bizarre national sport, just like cricket, which no-one in there right mind cares to watch. It must be something that makes their adrenaline roar.

When I complained about one of these exams, pointing out that young children are forced to perform like monkeys and that the tests are designed to trick them and put them under pressure, to my surprise, the parent, who otherwise seems fairly level headed, argued that “Children like to shine.” Yeah, in the sun!!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Over here, it's about the same, but with the Tico smile:

What does one do in a natural disaster?

What is the difference between rural and urban?

This are things we have to be tested on.I guess someone deemed it so.