Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Vicarious Bliss

It wasn’t a real vacation mostly because once again Matt had to leave us in the midst of it to go save the world...swoooshhhh!!!

But it all was good in the end anyway because the kids were happy. They just love to hang out on the beach and visit Fred and Yia Yia on the island.

In my last year before the big four-oh, I have come to realize that my happiness is most reliably guaranteed when my children are in a chippy mood.

As pathetic as it may sound, living vicariously through them has become a very convenient alternative to hunting down on my own that ephemeral state of bliss.

It’s pathetic, it’s lazy, but it works. So yippiiieee !!!

1 comment: said...

That looks fun. Keep it all in there. Love you muchos besitos y yadadida yadida ya!