Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Twenty-four is all

It is a given that the day has no more than twenty-four neatly packaged time slots.
Twenty-four hours to fill for each and every one. Time knows no difference between rich and poor, smart and not-quite-that smart, old or young. It is up to everyone of us to choose how to spend their day, or at least part of it.

And sometimes there are simply too many choices.

With high speed internet, digital this and that, and discount shopping, there is always something that is awaiting us. The temptations are many. And more often than not, we
fall into the one or other trap and rush life to squeeze it all in.

But if you think week days are hell, try a sunny weekend that sits there like a popsicle tray, waiting to be filled.

Life can be just cruel.

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