An electoral system is by no means a guarantor of democracy. Multi-party banana republics abound, where a ruthless clique at the top behave like rabid monkeys.
But even though the system of checks and balances may function better in so-called Western Democracies, one is well-advised to double check.
How independent is the media? Can one trust the information on public networks? In fact, is there any relevant information transmitted at all? The BBC, for instance, revels in atrocities...children abducted, quartered, raped - but rarely provides in-depth political analysis.
What links do political leaders have to key industries such as oil&gas and the media? How closely are their ties to weapon manufacturers?
How much of the state budget is appropriated to education & health versus defense and industry subsidies...?
How independent is the judiciary?
Barak Obama is maintaining an aura of transparency by having an active online interface where he (his PR unit) provide information about current policies and solicit comments from the public.
At least, he and his staff thereby acknowledge the existence of a populace for whom fast food and HBO don’t work as tranquilizers. But let’s not be fooled...his goal is no different from all of the other ones who made it to that most distinguished spot where all eyes are focused on them day and night...
Oh, look at his turd...isn’t it sublime!