Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Twenty-four extra hours!!!

February 29th is a true gift. One extra day in a year that already has taken off in a hurry. What a treat!! Twenty-four extra hours where we can do all those things we usually miss out taking the kids to the park, going for a really tall latte at Minellie's,or maybe a matinee...but then, the kids are at school, I already had three tall mugs of coffee since 6:15am this morning and, sorry no luck with the movies either, those sites are blocked. Darn that extra day!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Go home!

In most parts of England, that is outside of London or any larger city, stores close at 5pm. It used to be 6:30 pm in Germany throughout my childhood, but consequently changed as consumerism took over and working hours went haywire. What to do with all that time when there is nothing to buy?

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Idiot Indicators

We're off to clean the car. The entire family joins in, because since we all participate in soiling it, it seems fair that we all get a chance to see just how much time and energy it takes to clean it again. We do this two or three times a year and luckily we only own one car. Truly, having two or more cars in your driveway makes a slave out of you. From licensing to replacing light bulbs, a car can keep you fairly busy. Why on earth are cars status symbols?

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Creature Comforts

Food and entertainment to this day work wonders when keeping large crowds in line. Just look around you at what we are willing to do from ever longer working hours, excrutiating commutes and around the clock availability to the double and tripple day in exchange for a tall latte and yet another romantic commedy...

Sunday, February 12, 2012

I'll Hate for your Love...

The corpse in the closet. Families are great at it. Everyone hates aunt Bertha, attaches all blame to her, instead of addressing that feeling of hatred that has become the family.

Groups in general are good at that, pointing fingers that is. It is a well-rehearsed mechanism to build cohesion and create some kind of identity.

“Odd one out” is the name of the game, and not only families have perfected it. It happens in school yards, where it is luckily nowadays identified as bullying. It occurs at work and online, where it is known as mobbing.

Religion, gender, class, and the overhauled attribute of race have led to horrible violence throughout human history. Whether under Stalin, Hitler or Hussein, whether in Yugoslawia, South Africa, China or North Korea, war is often being waged against some assumed enemy to create cohesion of the group however vaguely that group is defined.

Shockingly rarely the question is asked, “Do I want to belong to such a group?”

Hannah Arendt wrote at lenghth about the strategies of totalitarian regimes to create cohesion among a small circle of leaders. Most importantly, she describes a reward system for compliance. And sadly, she is right. Most humans are sheep at heart.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I remember Susan raising her eye brows by a good half inch when during our long conversations in her tree top home in Cahuita the topic of family came up. The power imbalances, the abusive patterns, the codependencies and ambivilant relationships between the members, it took me a while to see it all. Susan was a veteran when I met her and her stories haunt me to this day. But we all get older and we all have stories to share...that is unless we prefer to keep them secret.